Sunday, March 7, 2010

James & The Mighty Uke

Tuesday, February 22, 2010
Documentary film "The Mighty Uke" with appearance by director Tony Coleman and performance by James Hill following the film.
Rafael Film Theatre, San Rafael, CA

It was a dark and stormy night and I was tired from a busy busy weekend leading the CCMC Winter Retreat. Running late on the highway, I weighed the pros and cons of turning around and going home instead of going by myself to the film. But everyone had been talking about it on the CCMC list serve and how could I miss a chance to see James and watch him perform? I made it about 15 minutes into the film and walking into the dark theatre I saw James standing against the back wall and said "hi" first thing. Then I sat near longtime CCMC-er Bob Richard and his ladyfriend - I need to send Bob his $6 that I borrowed to be able to buy a T-shirt to commemorate the evening.

The movie is very cool and I'm hoping that it makes its way to a larger audience. I wouldn't mind seeing it all over again or owning it. When I think of all the people who could have appeared in it, I realize how much they could only scratch the surface. Very entertaining.

Then James put on a wonderful performance. His slow and deliberate and new-to-me version of "Five Foot Two" brought new depth to a very old song. If I hadn't seen his "Chopsticks" improv several times, I might have thought it was done with hidden looping - it seemed better than before. I thought he provided a very balanced short show, highlighting a lot of his many talents. I like it that he's doing more singing as I think he has a very good voice and some great delivery.

I kicked myself for not bringing a ukulele with me to play in this beautiful theatre along with the many others who remembered to do so. I sang along anyway. I chatted with several other moviegoers afterward including ukulele luthier Mike DaSilva and his nice gal and made an acquaintance with a friend of James' named Terry. Now I have to track down where I put her contact info. I'm glad I went and didn't let the rainy night scare me off. Wisht I could go again to Santa Cruz where the uke's will be out en force on Thursday. But had to be happy with this event.

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